Hassle-free CSAT email surveys

Ask customer satisfaction questions to track how happy your customers are – and use Surveyapp’s detailed, visual insights to inspire even better experiences.


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You're In Happy Company

We're helping thousands of companies get their customer experience and employee engagement right.

Reply directly from the email

Customers respond to Surveyapp email surveys right from their inbox and then continue the conversation in the browser. Fewer clicks mean higher response rates and a feedback experience par excellence!

Enjoyable surveys = better responses

Surveyapp focuses on creating great customer experiences – complementing your brand, and delivering honest feedback.

Customize branded CSAT surveys

Align our email surveys with your brand by adding your logo and customized colors.

More than just the CSAT rating

Get to the bottom of why customers chose their CSAT score by asking pertinent follow-up questions.

Delivery at the right time and place

Schedule routine sends with our survey deployer or trigger surveys with our integrations and API for in-the-moment feedback.


Send gentle reminders automatically to those customers who haven't yet replied to your surveys.

Surveys that look good everywhere

Whether your customers are using a mobile, tablet or computer, Surveyapp email surveys are designed to look gorgeous and function perfectly every time.

Robust data for decisive action

Collecting customer feedback is just the start – it’s how you act on it that matters. View wallboards in real time, alert managers by app push notifications, email or text, and align CSAT data with your case management systems, no problem. By providing usable insights based on solid data, Surveyapp gives you the ammunition to implement change.

Target change where needed

Surveyapp does the hard work so that you can get on with the important stuff. Our attractive, intuitive dashboard has all the tools you need – view wallboards in real time, alert managers by email or text, and align CSAT data with your case management systems, no problem.

Monitor real time feedback

Follow and act upon the latest survey data from your customers, as it arrives. Uncover sticking points that are creating detractors for your brand.

Segment your data

Understand how different market segments feel about what you offer. Monitor different products or operating sites, all from within a single dashboard.

Keyword searches

Use advanced keyword searches to drill down into particular customer segments. Target your actions where most needed, then monitor the effects of those changes.

Drill down to specifics

Filter feedback by location or product line to identify exemplary team members and to see how specific business units or customer types compare.

Track CSAT score over time

Track changing customer reactions over a period of time. Understand where you’ve been improving, and where you need more focus.

Celebrate your fans

Getting loyal customers to come back is always easier than winning new ones from scratch. Surveyapp’s follow-up functions help you nurture those relationships by sending thank-you messages, promoting your social media channels, or encouraging customers to post reviews.

Work those detractors

No company likes to see unhappy customers, but it’s always better that you know who they are. Surveyapp integrates easily with your customer helpdesk systems, and offers tagging tools and user-management functions to let you work on repairing those relationships.

Interested in the complete Surveyapp solution?

Ask about our popular Enterprise Plans, which include survey kiosks, email and link surveys, unlimited survey responses, and access to a dedicated account manager.